1) Participants write their first name on a sticky label and give it back to tutor.
2) They think of an adjective (or any word for lower levels) to describe them.
3) Everyone stands in a circle. Tutor models procedure with on participant: introduce yourself to the person on your right (including the adjective or word chosen.
E,g,: I am wicked Walter. That person then introduces themselves to you, then turns to person on their right and introduces themselves and you. This will continue until the last person in the circle. Insist on the use of ‘This is..’ and ‘That’s…’ for introducing others (not ‘she’s’/’he’s’).
4) Give everyone in each group a number and ask them to find the person with the same number from the other group. They then get together and tell each other who is who from the group they came.
5) Tutor gives out labels at random, and participants have to give the label to its owner.
VARIATION: 1) I’m ____ and I’m into ____. (repeat procedure above)
2) I’m ____ and (say 3 things about you, one is a lie, others spot the lie.
a) Show many pictures of yourself when you were younger.
Ask them to deduct things about you in that picture. E.g.: You might be (age); This place must be (where); You seem to be (how you look), etc.
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